"بالصور" مقارنة بين أسرع القطارات حول العالم 3

المربع نت – تمتلك العديد من البلدان الآسيوية واﻷوروبية قطارات طلقة عالية السرعة، إلا أنها تختلف باختلاف ثقافة كل بلد، فما هي اﻹختلافات بين هذه القطارات في كل من الصين، اليابان، كوريا وروسيا، ومن هو اﻷفضل من بينها؟ هذا هو ما سنعرفه اليوم.

تطور نظام القطارات الصيني عالي السرعة خلال آخر 15 عاماً، مع تطوير نظام فوشينغ اﻷحدث خلال العام الماضي.

"بالصور" مقارنة بين أسرع القطارات حول العالم 4

First, let's look at the trains. Given that China's high-speed rail has developed over the past 15 years, you would expect the trains to be new. While China's rail used to rely on technology from Europe and Japan, it unveiled its newest Chinese-designed and -made Fuxing-class train last year.

بينما قدمت اليابان نظام قطارات الطلقة الخاص بها تحت اسم شينكانسن عام 1964، مع تحدث القطارات بشكل مستمر.

While Japan's bullet train, the Shinkansen, was introduced in 1964, the country has continually updated the trains, as the technology is a major Japanese export. The latest trains, the E5 and the slightly modified H5, have been in service since 2011 and 2016, respectively.

أما في كوريا فقد تم إطلاق قطارات كوريا اكسبريس عام 2004 والذي تم تطويره بالشراكة مع شركات فرنسية، لتقوم كوريا لاحقاً بصنع قطاراتها الخاصة بالتعاون مع هيونداي روتيم.

Korea's Korea Train Express launched its services in 2004. The initial trains were developed with Alstom, one of the main companies behind France's high-speed train system. In recent years, Korea has developed its own trains, primarily with Hyundai Rotem.

أطلقت روسيا قطار سابسان عام 2009، حيث تم الاعتماد فيه على تقنية شركة سيمنز اﻷلمانية.

Russia's Sapsan train began service in 2009. The train technology comes from Siemens, a German conglomerate that has provided high-speed rail technology for Germany, France, Belgium, China, and others.

تبدو معظم المحطات الجديدة  الصينية للقطارات عالية السرعة مثل المطارات.

Most new high-speed railway stations in China look more like airports than train stations. This is the one I encountered in Xi'an, a city of 8.7 million people. It had high ceilings, futuristic architecture, and nicely spaced gates for the platforms. Most stations I encountered were directly connected to the city's metro, making for seamless travel.

بينما تبدو المحطات اليابانية أكثر عراقة وأصالة، ولكن أقل حداثة.

I took the Tōkaidō Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka. It is by far the most traveled line in Japan and one of the most popular in the world. You leave from Tokyo Station, which is a gorgeous historical station but not nearly as modern as China's stations.

على النقيض، تبدو المحطات الكورية عادية ومثل المولات التجارية بعض الشئ، إلا أنها نظيفة ومن السهل التنقل بداخلها.

In South Korea, I rode from Seoul to Busan on the Gyeongbu line, the first high-speed railway line in the country. It left from the new Seoul Station, which opened in 2004. The station and its counterpart in Busan, while clean and easy to navigate, were nothing special. They looked like big malls.

تبدو المحطات الروسية كتحف معمارية تاريخية من الخارج، ولكنها من الداخل مظلمة ومزدحمة.

I took the Sapsan in Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg. It left from the Leningradsky Station. While architecturally beautiful from the outside, the station and its counterpart in St. Petersburg were dark and crowded on the inside.

استقل نظام القطارات الصيني 3 مليار راكب في عام 2016 ع زياد سنوية تقدر بـ10%، مع سكك حديدية تغطي 25,000 كم.

China's railway network served nearly 3 billion passengers in 2016, and ridership has increased by about 10% each year. It's not surprising. The nationwide system covers 15,500 miles, a figure made more impressive when you consider the first line was built in 2008 for the Beijing Olympics.

مع استمرار نظام شينكانسن الياباني ﻷكثر من 50 عاما فهو يصل بين كل المدن والجزر الكبرى مع استمرار التوسعات.

With more than 50 years of service, Japan's Shinkansen network is extensive, reaching nearly 37% of the country's population. You can take high-speed trains to all major cities on the main islands of Honshu and Kyushu. There are a lot of expansions under construction as well, including a Maglev train between Tokyo and Osaka.

أما شبكة KTX في كوريا فهي تمتلك أربعة خطوط رئيسية مع خطط للتوسع لاحقاً.

The KTX network in Korea has four major lines, with more planned. The latest line, the Incheon Airport-Gangneung line, opened earlier this year in time for the Winter Olympics. What is perhaps most impressive is that the network already covers about 45% of the population.

بينما لا يمتلك نظام القطارات عالي السرعة الروسي سوى خط واحد.Wikimedia Commons

High-speed rail in Russia is limited to one line (or two, depending on how you count it). The route goes from Saint Petersburg to Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and takes a little over eight hours — about the distance from New York to Chicago. Driving would take about 14.5 hours.

يمكن حجز التذاكر للقطارات الصينية عبر موقع Ctrip، ولكن يجب على اﻷجانب التوجه للحصول عليها من المحطة بنفسهم.

I bought my rail ticket for China on Ctrip, the country's top e-travel agency. But for some reason, you still have to pick up your ticket in person if you are a foreigner, which requires navigating to the ticket lines and finding the English-speaking counter. If you are a Chinese national, your ticket is loaded onto your national ID, so no pickup is necessary. I learned it's important to book ahead; popular lines get sold out.

يمكن شراء التذاكر للقطارات اليابانية عبر اﻹنترنت، ولكن هذا متاح باليابانية فقط، لذا سيكون البدل الآخر هو استخدام الآلات المتواجدة بالمحطة.

While you can purchase tickets for Japan's Shinkansen online, it will be hard without understanding Japanese. Though ancient-looking, the machines at the station are easy enough to navigate. And there are tons of trains on the major lines, so you're likely to get a seat.

يمكن شراء التذاكر في كوريا عبر موقع Korail، باﻹضافة إلى وجود آلات حجز أيضاً.

You can purchase your ticket in Korea via the Korail website. There are only a few lines, but they tend to run often. Because there are so many trains, I wasn't worried about not getting a seat, so I bought a ticket at the counter in the station. There are ticket machines as well.

ويمكن كذلك شراء التذاكر بسهولة لقطارات سابسان الروسية عبر موقع السكك الحديدية، ولكن احذر المواقع الوسيطة التي تحمل أسماء مشابهة له وتكلف أكثر.

Tickets for the Sapsan can be easily bought online via the Russian Railways website. But watch out: There are a ton of companies with similar names — like RussianTrains.com, among others — that will

تبدو داخلية القطارات الصينية مثل الطائرات.

The interior of China's G-Class trains looks like that of an airplane, with three seats on one side and two on the other. There is luggage storage at the end of the cars.

وتبدو القطارات اليابانية قريبة منها في التصميم.

Japan's Shinkansen cabin looks relatively similar to China's cabins. Japan's trains had a nifty hook to hang your jacket next to your seat.

بينما قطارات KTX الكورية تبدو أضيق وأدفأ.

Korea's KTX train was a bit narrower and seemed a bit more worn. The cabin reminded me more of a commuter rail in the US than a sleek airplane cabin, like Japan and China's trains did.

ولكن مقصورة القطارات الروسية هي اﻷفضل بين اﻷربعة مع مساند رؤوس على شكل مجنح وخامات أنعم ﻷقمشة المقاعد مع وجود مقاعد مواجهة لبعضها مع طاولة ما يعطي مظهر كلاسيكي، إضافة ﻹمتلاك القطارات اﻷربعة ﻷماكن لشحن اﻷجهزة اﻹلكترونية.

Russia's Sapsan cabin was by far the nicest of the four. Note the winged headrest and the smoother fabric on the seats. In addition, every few rows there were seats that faced each other with a table, giving it that classic train-journey feel. All four trains had places to plug in electronics.

تمتلك بعض القطارات الصينية عربات لتوزيع طعام مغلف يمكن تسخينه في الميكروويف.

Some high-speed trains in China have a dining car, but it's not like the dining cars of old. Rather than cook on-site, it offers prepackaged microwaveable meals. On the Beijing-Xi'an and Zhengzhou-Shenzhen trains I took, there was no dining car. Instead, a train attendant came by with a trolley selling snacks, drinks, and instant noodles. I brought food from the station.

بينما كان الطعام في القطارات اليابانية لا يتكون سوى من بعض المشروبات والوجبات الخفيفة مع النودلز الجاهزة.

Food on the Shinkansen is even more sparse: just a cart with some drinks, snacks, and instant noodles. Most passengers stop to pick up a bento box at the station before boarding.

بسبب قلة المسافة، لا يوجد أي طعام على القطارات الكورية، ولكنها الوحيدة حالياً التي توفر واي فاي.

Because KTX rides are so short (usually no more than three hours), there are minimal dining options, just a few vending machines. But KTX gets bonus points because it was the only one with working WiFi. That will change in the future — both China and Japan have said they will soon add WiFi to high-speed lines.

وتميز سابسان مرة أخرى بخدماته الداخلية، حيث يتم توفير مشروب، قهوة وساندوتش لركاب الدرجة اﻹقتصادية.

The Sapsan was far and away the best for food. Many economy-class seats come with coffee, a drink, and a sandwich.

تصل سرعة القطارات الصينية إلى 350 كم/س إلا أنها عادة ما تصل إلى 307 كم/س، بينما تبلغ سرعة قطارات فوشينغ 400 كم/س.

China's G-Class trains can reach up to 350 km/h (217 mph) but generally top out around 307 km/h (190 mph). A newly developed Fuxing Hao train can hit 400 km/h (248 mph).

بينما تبلغ قطارات شينكانسن H5 وE5 سرعة 320 كم/س.

The Shinkansen H5 and E5, the two newest trains, hit top operating speeds of 320 km/h (198 mph), though the trains have to run slower on some lines.

وتعمل القطارات الكورية بسرعة 300 كم/س.

High-speed rail trains operating in Korea are designed for a top speed of 350 km/h (217 mph) and an operating speed of 300 km/h (186 mph).

ويصل سابسان الروسي إلى 250 كم/س.

The Sapsan train runs at a speed of 250 km/h (155 mph), though that is upgradeable to 350 km/h (217 mph).

في رأينا الشخصي، يعتبر نظام القطارات الصيني هو اﻷفضل بسبب القطارات الرائعة، المحطات الحديثة والشبكة الكبيرة المثيرة للإعجاب.

So which high-speed rail was the best? In my opinion, China's system stood out for its state-of-the-art trains, stunning train stations, and impressive network, though its check-in process and on-train food options could be improved.

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