المربع نت – أطلقت نيسان شاحنتها البيك أب تيتان XD موديل 2017 الجديدة كليًّا جنبًا إلى جنب مع نموذج النصف طن الأقصر منها والذي تم إطلاقه مسبقًا بشهر فبراير الماضي.

محرك شاحنة البيك أب تيتان XD القياسي هو محرك بنزيني بسعة 5.6 لتر ومن 8 اسطوانات وبقوة 390 حصان و401 رطل-قدم من عزم الدوران موصول بناقل سرعة أوتوماتيكي من 7 سرعات.

نيسان تيتان XD بيك أب الجديدة كلياً 2017 تكشف نفسها “فيديو ومواصفات وصور وفئات” Nissan Titan

وقد قامت نيسان بتوسعة خط إنتاج شاحنة البيك أب وذلك بإضافتها لنموذجين مختلفي الحجم من هيكلها, والعديد من الأنواع من محركات تعمل بالبترول وأخرى بالديزل, مساحات داخلية مختلفة ونوعين من نظام الدفع؛ الثنائي والرباعي.


[أعلاه نموذج تايتان XD النصف طن موديل 2017 الجديد كليًّا]؛[Crew Cab & Single & King Cab هي أنواع أحجام هياكل لشاحنات البيك أب]

نموذج النصف طن الجديد سوف يكون متاحا في نسخة Crew Cab بالإضافة إلى نسختي Single وKing Cab سوف يتبعونهم في وقت لاحق من العام الجاري, إن النموذج بطول 228.1 بوصة وهو أقل بقدر 14.7 بوصة من النموذج الكبير لشاحنة البيك أب كما أن قاعدة عجلاتها أقصر بمقدار قدم.

إن نموذج تيتان النصف طن بيد أنه يحمل نفس نمط التصميم العدواني لشاحنة بيك أب تيتان XD وأنهما يتشاركان نفس المقصورة إلا أنهما يختلفان تماما في شكل الهيكل.

إن المحرك المحدث الجديد ذا الثمان اسطوانات مدعم بنظام متغير للصمام ونظام حقن مباشر لأداء أفضل واستهلاك أقل للوقود وكذا حصل المحرك على مكبس جديد ساعد بشدة في إدارة الكفاءة الحرارية للمحرك.

إن مجموع القوة الإجمالي للمحرك هي 390 حصان و401 رطل-قدم من عزم الدوران وهو ارتفاع بقدر 73 حصان و16 رطل-قدم من عزم الدوران عن المحرك السابق, وقد قالت نيسان أنها سوف تقوم بطرح محرك بنزينيٍّ أصغر من 6 اسطوانات في المستقبل القريب.

تحوز تيتان XD على مكانة مميزة بين قطاع الشاحنات والآن وبعد إضافة المحرك القوي ذا الثمان اسطوانات فإنّ مشتري التيتان XD سيحصلون على تجربة قيادة مميزة لشاحنة البيك أب على الطريق.

وقد أعلنت نيسان أيضا عن سعر نموذج S Crew Cab تيتان XD ذا الدفع الثنائي والذي يقدر بـ 35,290 ألف دولار أمريكي (132.3 ألف ريال سعودي), أما نموذج Platinum Reserve Crew Cab ذا الدفع الرباعي فهو بسعر 55,520 ألف دولار أمريكي (208.2 ألف ريال سعودي), وأعلاه بيان تفصيلي للأسعار التي أعلنتها نيسان -الأسعار لسوق الولايات المتحدة.

تقرير فيديو عن نيسان تيتان 2017:

اذا لم يظهر الفيديو اضغط هنا

صور نيسان تيتان 2017:

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The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.


The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.


The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

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The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

The 2016 TITAN XD is equipped with a 5.6-liter Endurance® V8 gasoline engine. Assembled in Decherd, Tenn., the new 5.6-liter Endurance V8 engine features four-valves per cylinder, Variable Valve Event & Lift and Direct Injection, and is rated at 390 horsepower @ 5,800 rpm and 401 lb-ft of torque @ 4,000 rpm.

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